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"I love that there is no fishy after effects!" -Alice K.

Omega 3 Complete

  • Omega 3 Complete fatty acid uses the more natural triglyceride form of fatty acids, making it more bioavailable and easily recognized by the body. It’s 100% sourced from sustainable wild-caught Alaskan fish and processed to remove PCBs, chlorinated organopollutants, and heavy metals.

    It also comes in softgel form, which has a couple important benefits over the liquid forms of fish oil available on market today. The first is that once a bottle of liquid fish oil is opened, it begins to oxidate fairly quickly so that by the time you finish the bottle, the oil may have deteriorated substantially.

    The second is, with the Omega 3 Complete softgels they have added lipase to the formula. Lipase is an enzyme that helps to break down the fat even further to make it readily usable by the body. This is especially important for those with compromised digestion, lack of a gallbladder, or if you just don’t want it to repeat on you (i.e. fishy burps).

    Taking only 2 softgels of Omega 3 Complete per day will help you significantly improve your intake of healthy omega 3 fats which can have a widespread and lasting impact on your overall health and well-being.

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